Tubakia Leaf Spot, a foliar fungal disease, Making an Appearance in an Oak near you! – Cissy Urbanovsky

July 6, 2021
Featured image for “Tubakia Leaf Spot, a foliar fungal disease, Making an Appearance in an Oak near you! – Cissy Urbanovsky”

Leaf Spot is the common terminology for a variety of fungi species that can be a widespread and destructive force. These fungal diseases spread masses of spores which are released during periods of wet weather from the fungal spore producing structures in the center of the spots. Spores are spread to healthy foliage by a combination of splashing water and wind. New leaf spot symptoms appear within 10-14 days after a wet infection period. 

Tubakia Leaf Spot can occur on many species of oak, but are most prevalent on red oaks.  Heartwood Arborists are actively identifying this specific foliar fungus in the mountain region.  With Tubakia Leaf Spot, you would typically see leaves drying up, curling up and falling from your trees.  The “Spots” for this species are typically round, ¼” – ½” in diameter with a reddish brown color, and may be surrounded by a yellow halo. This disease is most severe in late Summer and Fall, and is more prevalent after a particularly wet season. 

(symptoms of Tubakia Leaf Spot)

Inspection, determination of stressors in the affected area, and plan of action can help reduce the notorious leaf drop that can occur. If you see signs of Leaf Spot, schedule and inspection and follow up treatment plan. The use of Cambistat, can help mitigate this problematic disease, and bring your trees back to their healthy, happy normal. Cambistat, the plant growth regulator (PGR) we use, is scientifically proven to improve the health of trees. Research shows that Cambistat gently slows the growth of trees, allowing the tree to redirect some of its energy from canopy growth to defense chemicals, fibrous root production, and other uses. The resulting benefit of the reallocation of energy will help your tree be healthier and more durable. You should see greener leaves, less insect and disease injury, and your trees will be better able to withstand drought and other environmental stresses.

Read More about Leaf Spot at: https://www.heartwoodtree.com/leaf-spot/
