Cercospora Leaf Spot

March 25, 2014
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This past week we checked out the Trees SC Arborist workshop in Columbia, SC. We had a chance to listen to several great speakers, and learn about several different tree care related topics. One session that stuck out was given be Dr. Jeffers of Clemson University on all of the leaf disease problems we encountered last year due to the cool and wet growing season.

One disease we covered was a fungal leaf spot called cercospora. This disease which usually is not much to worry about was quite prevalent last year, and resulted in early defoliation of many ornamental cherries and crepe myrtle, along with a host of other ornamental trees and shrubs.

Cercospora leaf spot is treatable, but foliar sprays to prevent the fungus must be done before symptoms of the disease are present. A series of foliar spray treatments in early spring, beginning at leaf expansion, is the optimal time to treat for all foliar diseases.

If you are cocerned about foliar diseases, please give us a call. To learn more about cercospora leaf spot check out this site:http://www.clemson.edu/extension/horticulture/landscape_ornamentals/crapemyrtle/culture/disease_problems_cercospora_leaf_spot.html
